The HDX Heavy-Duty Extra-Tough Drop-Thru rotary airlock
valves are designed to withstand high temperatures and pres-sure differentials up to 22 psi. This legendary design sets the
standard by which all others in the industry are measured. It
offers the heaviest gauge rotor vane stock of any competing
product, extra thick endplates, flanges and housing walls,
along with outboard mounted oversized bearings that are pre-lubricated and permanently sealed to ensure low maintenance
and prolonged life.
The HDX is available with 6-vane or 8-vane rotor design.
Square or round flange housing with cast iron, 304/316 stain-less steel or Ni-hard construction.
Available in fourteen sizes from 4x4 through 36x36
Round or square flange assures system compatibility
Larger diameter shafts for less deflection and optimum torque delivery
Full flow throat design permits maximum flow to rotor pocket
Permanently sealed bearings ensure protection from contamination
Special rotor designs including coatings, polishing, shallow pockets and
closed end to specifically match your application
Housing coating options include hard chrome, nickel, teflon, tungsten
carbide, chrome carbide and plasma
Cast iron and stainless steel housings are standard providing maximum
structural stability with optional cast materials available including; inconel,
hastelloy, cast steel or aluminum.